Platinum level recognition.

This is our highest recognition for businesses that prioritize family friendly policies.

We have added the Platinum level award to recognize Gold awardees who offer additional workplace policies in the areas of Pay Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and Community Investment. If you’d like to stand out in your industry, the Platinum level award offers businesses the opportunity to be recognized for their Family Friendly policies at the highest level as a distinguished leader.

Are you interested in preparing your business to apply for Platinum? We have created a Platinum Level Prep guide to offer considerations for adding policies in each category.

To be eligible to apply for Platinum recognition, your business will:

Have a least 2 policies in each of our family friendly categories

  1. Paid Leave
  2. Health Support
  3. Work Schedules
  4. Economic Support

Offer a minimum paid leave (for all combined paid time off including sick leave, vacation, PTO, etc.)

  • 50+ employees: 5 days PTO
  • 11-49 employees: 3 days PTO
  • 10 and under employees: 2 days PTO

To be awarded Platinum recognition, your business will comply with the New Mexico Fair Pay for Women Act and have at least one policy in each of the new family friendly categories listed below:

5. Pay Equity

Pay equity means equal pay for work of equal value. A system of evaluating pay equity among employees is key to ensuring that workers of equal skill, experience and responsibility are paid at the same rate, regardless of gender or race.

Do your workplace policies ensure compliance with the New Mexico Fair Pay for Women Act? (this compliance is a requirement for Platinum recognition)

New Mexico: Fair Pay for Women Act
(N.M. Stat. Ann. 1978, Secs. 28-23-1 et seq.)
New Mexico’s equal pay law prohibits employers from paying employees at a rate less than the rate paid to employees of the opposite sex in the establishment for equal work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort and responsibility and that are performed under similar working conditions. A difference in wages is not discrimination if it is based on a seniority system, a merit system, or a system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production.
Learn More:

  • Does your company formally evaluate pay by job classification and gender?
    • Is this information available to employees if they ask?
    • Is this information public? If yes, how is it made available?
  • Does your company allow or encourage employees to discuss pay with co-workers?

6. Diversity & Inclusion

  • Do you have policies related to diversity & inclusion for staff and/or board?
    • Do you have goals related to diversity in your hiring process?
    • If you have a board, do you have goals for diversity of members?
  • Do you have any diversity programs or employee networks for the following: race, gender, age, disability, LGBTQ, veterans, other?
  • Do you provide training to your employees on diversity & inclusion?

7. Community Investment

Do you have policies related to supporting employees investing time and/or money in our/their community?

  • Paid time for volunteering (such as community service or community boards)?
  • Employer-matched donations?